Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid participates in the oxido-reductive processes and aids the tissue respiration. Vitamin C deficiency; inflammatory febrile diseases (contagious and non-contagious) – Pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, rheumatism, hepatitis, nephritis, enterocolitis, furunculosis; in heart ascites, hemorrhages, hemorrhagic diathesis; in exudative states, allergic diseases – urticaria, pollinosis; in intoxication with toxins and medicaments (arsenic compounds, heavy metals, phenols, including salicilates, sulphonamides, barbiturates, synthetic estrogens, alcohol); hypochromic anemia; wounds and fractures of retarded recovery; dental damages; pregnancy, in cases of intensive lactation; increased function of the thyroid gland; hypofunction of the hypophysis and the suprarenal gland; for increase of the resistance to higher environment temperatures in poultry; as an immunostimulant (non-specific); in bacterial and viral diseases, etc.